Office of the President....

In his inaugural speech, Dr. Reif outlined the threats and opportunities presented by the sudden rise of credible, low-cost online learning alternatives and challenged MIT to use the campus as a lab to explore the future of higher education.

It was all inspiring to hear from a personnel of such stature on how we can make a difference; and indeed everybody can!... In their very own way, my crew at the event worked in complete harmony of skilled craftsmen, starting in various segments, like that of a jigsaw puzzle and coming to a completion of a fantastic image almost seamless as a whole

I appreciate Dion's help and assistance mediating, on all grounds specially between the artwork and technicalities for the event. It cannot go unmentioned assistance from behind the scenes operations crew Darryl & Savio the unsung heroes for most if not all of my jobs, I have to mention "Charlie's little angels!!!" Sherin, Charlotte and Nikita for carrying out; difficult behind the scene task, with perfections and with a smile on their face.
Thank you Ladies and Gentlemen for making me proud!