It is a recent yet recurring trend with the hospitality industry, to host consecutive events, selling space from one company to another in the same day it surly is twice the revenue to the venue but what does this result in? Well, it results in a rather tight squeeze, in setup time for the AV Production and staging team... not to mention rehearsals and execution of events!
This is what happened with the very recent event a 3 day Sales workshop at Hyatt Dubai The hotel had been double booked and that moved our setup time from earlier in the day to very late that evening, even though we got the short end of the straw did we prove our mettle?

With smooth flawless operations from Prince and Micheal this is what makes a happy crew and happy client, it is mutual appreciation and regards for both, that by far is the best way to bring an event to a close. The client was only too happy to pen down their satisfaction at the end of the event.
Hi Neomi,
Prince and Michael was awesome to work with.
Hi Neomi,
Big thanks to you, Dion
and your team. The setup/rehearsals and on event support were absolutely
flawless, and it was a pleasure working with you on this project! :)
That being said it still is only half the story we would not have been able to achieve this perfection if we dint have the staging division to back us up Richard, Silva, Lal, in the wings to create a brilliant water tight backdrop, in off-white that bought an understated exquisiteness and life into a rather heavy room who's only decor was in the colours of beige & mahogany.
A big Thank You to Dion and operations for orchestrating a smooth transition and logistics for this event, thank you for making me proud.
That being said it still is only half the story we would not have been able to achieve this perfection if we dint have the staging division to back us up Richard, Silva, Lal, in the wings to create a brilliant water tight backdrop, in off-white that bought an understated exquisiteness and life into a rather heavy room who's only decor was in the colours of beige & mahogany.
A big Thank You to Dion and operations for orchestrating a smooth transition and logistics for this event, thank you for making me proud.